The Land Walker: The Future is Now
~Several months ago, I made a joke in this blog that the N-1 Pachinko parlor in Nagaoka is actually a hangar for a giant robot to protect Japan from a North Korean invasion. It was a joke, of course, because in real life, giant combat robots don't exist.
^ [Click video to play] For only 36 million yen (~$345,000 ), you too can be the proud owner of a bipedal, 1-ton, 3.4 meter giant robot! The Land Walker is manufactured by Sakakibara-Kikai, a Japanese robotics company, and is intended for robotics exhibitions. I should point out that the guns mounted on the Land Walker fire rubber balls...for now.
Sure, it's slow (top speed 1.5 km/hr), but it's a REAL-LIFE MECHA! Give this technology 30 years (or less), and see what happens. Imagine a giant defense company pumping billions of dollars into R&D for Land Walkers, turning them from clunky, slow, bare-boned machines, into something like this: