Thursday, October 05, 2006

Boys With Toys

~Yet more North Korean warmongering on this side of the planet. As you may have heard, the Great "Ronrey Reader" declared that his country will conduct a nuclear test soon, without specifying exactly when. More blustering, attention-grabbing, empty threats from a paranoid madman? Perhaps, but a madman to be taken seriously...especially when you're his neighbor and he's packing ballistic missiles.

Like almost everyone else in Japan, I believe North Korea to be the most dangerous threat to international peace. That's where we need regime change, people. Naturally, the minions of our own Great and Powerful Leader commenced with yet more saber-rattling, while declining to actually do or say anything to seriously challenge North Korea. I could be wrong, but does it seem to me that there are maybe, just maybe, threats to America besides Islamic terrorists?

I have a theory of human behavior that I came up with and will now present for your consideration. It's called the "Boys With Toys" theory. It states that, in reality, true adults are extremely rare. Most of the people running the world are just overgrown adolescents (almost universally male) who just want to play with toys and have other people think they're cool. Of course, when you're 10 years old and are at school, you play with a toy gun; when you're 40 years old and are in charge of a country, you play with things like bombs, planes, tax money, people's lives, etc.

My point is that it's all the same, intellectually speaking. Everyone wants to be respected and looked up to by others, and the best ways to do that are to a) be the loudest, b) be the toughest, and c) have the coolest toys. Both Kim Jong Ill and George W. Bush, while obviously quite different, are, in the final sense, perfect manifestations of my "Boys With Toys" theory.



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