Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blatant Blackmail

~There are two big news items in Japan at the moment. The first is a transfer of twelve U.S. F-22 Raptors (the world's most advanced--and expensive--fighter jet) to Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa. Hundreds of island residents turned out to protest the arrival of the jets, although they are only scheduled to be in Okinawa for three months. I don't know what all the fuss is about; seriously, there are over 50,000 U.S. soldiers in Okinawa, so what's a few more jets for a couple of months?

The F-22 is insanely powerful and expensive, the ultimate toy for my "Boys With Toys" theory. It has the capability to cruise at supersonic speeds, is supposedly invisible to radar, and can shoot down enemy planes before the pilot can even see them. Unfortunately, numerous cost overruns have resulted in a staggering cost of roughly $135 million per plane. But...but...it shoots missiles! And flies really fast! And it looks cool!

The other big news is the arrival of Vice-President Richard "Deadeye Dick" Cheney, who flew to Tokyo today on a diplomatic trip to Japan. He's supposed to talk with the Prime Minister and other bigwigs, to discuss security issues. My guess is that he's really here to bully the Japanese into coughing up more cash for the Iraq war.

Japan supplied only non-combat troops for logistical support in Iraq as part of the "coalition of the willing" (don't forget Poland!), but they're paying for part of the reconstruction of what we broke. For example, during the 1991 Gulf War, Japan ended up contributing approximately $14 billion, or about 20% of the total cost of the war.

Now I know what Hiroo Onoda was talking about when he said "We are so careful and let others devour so much, yet they are always hungry for more from Japan. "

At any rate, the other big issue that Cheney is supposed to discuss is the result of the recent negotiations with North Korea. You may have read in the newspaper that America scored a major diplomatic victory by convincing North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. If that's what you read or thought, be aware that it's complete BS. This was a total North Korean diplomatic victory.

In exchange for "giving up" their nuclear program, they're going to get 50,000 tons of oil delivered in the next 60 days, along with the energy/aid equivalent of 950,000 tons of oil in the near future. This might sound familiar, because it's exactly what happened over decade ago in 1994...and the North Koreans kept building their program, culminating in the detonation of a small nuclear bomb a few months ago. This is nothing but nuclear blackmail, and everyone here knows it.

The general sentiment in Japan is that the U.S. completely copped out, pursuing the quickest path to a perceived diplomatic victory in order to claim success...and allow them to focus more on Iraq. Although Japan participated in the negotiations, the nation is refusing to supply any of the aid to North Korea until they supply information about the Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea over the past few decades. I don't blame them...but Japan has little choice to accept the result of the negotiations, because they're totally dependent on the U.S. for security.

On the other hand, what else are we supposed to do? Starve the North Koreans, until they get so mad and hungry that they attack South Korea with their massive army or start lobbing missiles (possibly nuclear) at Japan? The whole "we do not negotiate with terrorists" spiel sounds tough and manly, but in reality, it just doesn't work. The United States does, has, and will continue to negotiate with and capitulate to blatant terrorists, provided our attention is focused elsewhere.

So let's all Hail to the Vice-Chief, 'cause he's the chief and he needs hailing! ~Oyasumi.


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