Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just Scrin and Bear It

~Humanity had its chance. We managed to survive for three whole games. But now [switch to Dan Williams voice] it's over! It's OOOVVEERRRR!!!

^ The above video shows gameplay and video footage of the "Scrin" faction from the upcoming PC game "Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars" (For a much better version of the video, click here). Clearly, the designers drew inspiration from "War of the Worlds" and its laser-wielding mechanical tripods. By the way, "Laser-Wielding Mechanical Tripods" would be a good name for a rock band.

Despite the overall strategic inferiority of the C&C interface (which hasn't really changed in well over a decade),the series nevertheless holds a special place in my heart. The idea of a doomed alternate Earth slowly being covered by green crystals that offer unlimited wealth yet result in utter environmental destruction is just too compelling to pass up. Throw in some mutants, the requisite fanatic militant terrorists, the last remnants of civilization, and an hostile insectoid alien race bent on the total destruction of humanity, and you really can't go wrong.

At any rate, our civilization looks just about doomed in this latest installment of the "Command and Conquer" series. According to one of the main game designers of C&C 3, if you're playing as one of the other factions and find that you're fighting the Scrin...you may as well hit ALT-F4 and call it a day. Which is what I'm going right now, after I make plans for a Tiberium-proof bunker. ~Oyasu-freakin'-mi-out.


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