Checkpoint! *Bonus Time!*
~Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts, my replacement teacher will not be arriving until after my one-year contract expires. Therefore, I have graciously agreed to work for another three weeks in Japan. This means that you will all have to suffer the lack of my presence until late April. Please reschedule the massive surprise return party that you were all undoubtedly planning for me.
By way of consolation, I offer this Japanglish:
Monkey panic sarulogo and people joy.
As you might guess, "saru" is Japanese for monkey. This "sarulogo" was located on the back of a T-shirt that I spotted during one of the many festivals that take place in Nagaoka. I was able to assign each of the six different monkey characters on the shirt to six of my young students. They're monkeys, that's for sure. ~Oyasumi!
Come back to me, Dave. I need you, hell We need you! Your internet-based dry humor and sarcastic witticism can hold me over for only so long....
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