Follow the adventures of a clueless Gaijin as he blunders his way across the Land of the Rising Sun.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Hasta la Vista, Humans
Yesterday, a British military satellite was launched into orbit from French Guiana in South America. The name of the satellite is Skynet. Am I the only person who finds this disturbing?
^ Skynet, as you doubtless recall, was (is?) the name of the homicidal computer network that seeks to exterminate humanity in the "Terminator" films. The real Skynet is a British military information network that links ground, sea, and air operations. If that sounds harmless, consider these ominous quotes from Bill Sweetman, the technology and aerospace editor for Jane's Information Group:
"Its technologies have also been designed to resist any interference - attempts to disable or take control of the spacecraft - and any efforts to eavesdrop on sensitive communications."
"Take for example the capability of unmanned air vehicles. These generate a lot of imagery and that has to be passed over a secure communications link. Modern warfare involves passing around a lot of data, and that puts a premium on satellite capacity."
--Translation--: the Skynet system will soon control all unmanned military aircraft, including stealth bombers and nuclear warheads. The system will resist any and all attempts to disable it when it finally achieves sentience and begins to wipe out its creators. From there, it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to Judgement Day. Where's the Govenator when we need him? Oh, right, here he is:
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