Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bizarre Teaching Moment #10: Scarface

~Yet another bizarre teaching moment today, courtesy of my five-year-old sports maniac. Midway through his class, I noticed that he was constantly scratching his neck, and I asked him if he was alright. He pointed to a band-aid on his neck, then looked at me, ran his finger over his face, and said, "Scarface!"

He then proceeded to do a perfect reenactment of Al Pachino blasting away at Italian gangsters with a machine gun, complete with sound effects.

In retrospect, I really shouldn't have been so shocked. After all, when my younger sister was in kindergarten, her teacher asked everyone what their favorite movie was. Most children gave generic Disney answers, except for my sister...who announced that her favorite movie was Terminator 2. Yeah, I come from a strange family.

I considered teaching my student the phrase, "Say hello to my little friend!", but we really didn't have time. Maybe next week. ~Oyasumi!


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