Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

~Over here in Japan, they don't celebrate Halloween. Sad, isn't it? In my everlasting quest to bring American culture and language to the masses, I ran a number of Halloween-themed lessons over the past week. For younger students, I did a "Trick or Treat" conversation, and for older ones I did questions such as "What are you?"/"I'm a ghost!". For my more advanced students, I did Halloween Mad-Libs, with limited success.

My favorite Halloween lesson was done for one class of younger students: I burned a CD with the "Ghostbusters" theme song, and brought a small flashlight into class. After teaching the students to say "Ghost-BUSTERS!" while the song was playing, I had one student be the "ghost" and gave the other the flashlight. Whenever the word "ghostbusters!" played on the music, the ghostbuster had to target the other student's paper ghost while the lights were turned out. It was fun. I swear.

None of my students get to wear costumes or go trick-or-treating. Even the older ones are uninterested in going to Halloween parties or anything like that...they're too busy studying for exams! It's crazy, I tell you. Anyway, here's a little Halloween humor to brighten your day...and give you some valuable advice:

^ Really puts the "Trick" in "Trick or Treat", doesn't it? Give that guy candy, or else!

Reminder: today is the deadline for the Japanglish contest! Submit your entry before it's too late! ~Oyasumi.


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