Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Market Day

~Once a week in Nagaoka, the downtown area is closed off to traffic and the street is lined with temporary market stalls. The stalls have many different things for sale; among them are fish, vegetables, fruit, clothes, flowers, and slippers (an important thing to have in Japan). It's a nice change from the usual traffic, and besides, it lets me ride my bicycle to work faster!

^ This road is just off of Ote-dori, the "main street" of Nagaoka leading from the train station to the other side of the city. Ote-dori street is not blocked to traffic, but side roads such as these are.

The day of the week for market day seems to be entirely random--I honestly have no clue how they decide when to set up their stalls. For example, today (Tuesday) was a market day, but I've also seen it on every other weekday. Clearly, some Nagaokans have a schedule set up, but alas, my gaijin eyes are not privy to such secrets.

^ This stand is selling taiyaki, a popular treat in Japan. Taiyaki are small cakes baked to look like fish, filled with sweet red bean paste. Trust me--they tastes better than they sound. The taiyaki at this stand only cost ¥100, which is less than a dollar at current exchange rates. Not bad for a quick snack, although I already had enough food for today's lunch.

^ Perhaps you're in the mood for some fresh fruit? The fruit here costs about the same as what you can buy at the supermarket, but the street market has the advantages of freshness and variety. Ichigo (いちご, strawberries) are crazy expensive in Japan, and this is the best place to buy them fresh in Nagaoka.

^ Or maybe you need a new jacket or shirt? You can pick one up here, along with a selection of shoes, slippers, socks, and other accessories.

The street market caters primarily to residents, not to tourists, as Nagaoka is hardly a prime tourist destination (outside of the summer festival). This means that the products for sale at the street market lean towards the practical rather than the cute. For souvenirs, you'd best wait until the monthly street festivals. So if you plan on visiting me here in Nagaoka, be sure to time your visit well.


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