Friday, December 22, 2006

Interesting, But Does It Run On Mr. Coffee?

~A few hours ago, I stopped at a convenience store on the way home from work to pick up a few things. One of the things I purchased was a can of coffee to get me through the crazy workload I have tomorrow. Lo and behold, one of the brands came with a toy car!

Products in Japan often come with small toys to entice buyers. Bottles of wine and saké are good examples, often coming with charms to mark your glass. Packages of cookies also sometimes come with toys, typically small action figures from whatever animated television series is currently in vogue. However, I never expected to get a freebie from an item so inexpensive as a single can of coffee, which cost me about one dollar.

^ The toy is, as you can see, a small white car, akin to the Micro Machines that I used to collect years ago. Amusingly, it comes with a background image in the packaging that, oddly enough, depicts a coffee shop.

^ Ready to roll! Unfortunately, the windshield is a bit cracked. Oh my dad would say, "The price was right." I'll use this car as a prize for winning the most points in one of my lessons.

If I come across any other free toys in unusual places, you, my loyal readers, will be the first to know. After myself, of course. ~Oyasumi!


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