Pictures from the Park
I'm writing this post off of a sloooow pirated wireless connection (arrr!), so I must keep this short. Since I haven't posted any new text or pictures in some time, I'll operate on a LIFO principle--Last In, First Out. So, I'll share some pictures of what I did today, then share older pictures when I get the chance.
Today, I visited Yukuzan park, a combination zoo/recreational area/forest area in Nagaoka, about 25 minutes away from my apartment by bicycle. Although the cherry trees around here haven't quite blossomed all the way yet, the park was still very beautiful. Here are some pictures that I took:

The Park had a reconstruction of Nagaoka Castle, which was destroyed in the 19th century. The 'new' castle is now a history museum, with an observation post at the top. Here is a picture that I took from the tower:

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