Thursday, March 16, 2006

T-minus 38 hours

Just over one day until my flight leaves...for JAPAN! I absolutely loathe packing and anything to do with logistics, so right now I'm in my own little hell. To mitigate the pain, here are a few pictures from the going-away party. Thanks to all who attended!

<--- A cake with an airstrike (no, not THAT kind of airstrike). This cake scores 10 out of 10 on the Dusto scale. Thanks Stef! You're the best!

<--- The shirt was a gift from someone who knows me too well.

<--- Open pasta bar.

<---The whole gang. This dosen't happen often enough!


At Saturday, 18 March, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave!!! Good luck taking on the Japanese. You betta teach them to speak English good. hehehe! But really, hope you have a great time in Japan. John and I miss your crazy antics. Keep us updated, FOOL!

At Friday, 02 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, I have enjoyed reading about your adventure from the start. It was nice of your Dad to tell me about this trip one day when we were on a call together. I may have to try rechargeable batteries again. Keep your posts coming, it is turning into the best part of my work day


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