Sunday, September 03, 2006

Return to Yuzawa, part 3: Falling for the Falls

~Happy September, everyone! I hope the fall season will soon bring some much-needed cold air and clouds to block out the accursed sun. For now, here's part three of my latest trip to Yuzawa, in which I searched for a waterfall vaguely marked on my poorly-written area map for tourists. After a few minutes of traveling down a concrete path into the woods, I found it:

^ Idyllic, isn't it? I want a waterfall like this in my backyard. The day was hot and muggy, or, as the Japanese say, "Mushi atsui desu!" (It's hot and humid!). The blast of chilly water from the falls was a welcome relief, and also kept the omnipresent buzzing insects at bay.

^ Near the waterfall was a pipe with a cup next to it, tied to the pipe with a string. Using the cup (which was pink and had a cartoon character called "Ham-Star the Hamster" on it), I took a sip of the river water. It was extremely cold and very refreshing.

^ Next to the pipe and cup was this little stone marker, with the kanji for "mizu" (water). I guess you're supposed to make a donation for something (?), although these coins look like they've been out here for a looooong time...

^ Getting closer, I estimated the waterfall to be between 50 and 75 feet high. The roar of the water was very loud, but in a relaxing sort of way. There was a large buildup of debris near the pool, perhaps made by Japanese ninja-beavers.

^ Another path led right up to the falls. Tucked to one side of the path was this little Buddha shrine with flowers and a collection box. There was also a bottle of what I think was sake, which you can see in the middle of the picture. It too had been there for quite some time and was most likely unfit for human consumption.

^ These yellow flowers were near the waterfall, giving me a chance to use my camera's macro function.

^ Right in front of the falls, the spray roared over me like wave after wave of arctic air! It was great.

^ Looking down from above to where the water slammed into the pool below. Despite the crashing water, I felt a wild urge to jump in and take a swim. I suppose it's best that I didn't, seeing as the water was only about one foot deep and the jump would be twenty times that.

Coming soon on David Does Japan: the epic conclusion of the "Return to Yuzawa" series, and several posts on an intriguing tour I took today that involved net fishing, jellyfish, dams, and a suspension bridge, all in one day! ~Oyasumi.


At Tuesday, 05 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indiana Dave (cousin of Jones) testing the water of life at the mysterious waterfall. Nice shots! The photos are very refreshing. Enjoy!


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