Monday, July 24, 2006

Nagaoka LIVE!: International Center Tour

~In a further attempt at videography, I present to you a tour of the Nagaoka International Center. Or, as my coworker Chris calls it, the "Gaijin Enjoyment Center":

^Yes, I know it cuts off at the end. Bad timing on my part.

My weekly Japanese class (1 David, 1 Japanese teacher, 1 Taiwanese, 20 Brazillians) is held upstairs , and I usually hang around the International Center downstairs for a while after class to talk to people and read an English newspaper. The Brazillian "volunteers" are actually studying Japanese; volunteer workers are helping them. The workers at the desks help foreign residents by providing free consultations on just about anything, from buying train tickets to finding restautants. They're all really nice people.

I hope you enjoyed the tour! Expect more "Nagaoka LIVE!" video tours in the future. ~Oyasumi!


At Wednesday, 26 July, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too enjoyed the movie.

You have a future on the travel channel...

At Sunday, 13 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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