^Australia has just won a
smashing 3-1 victory over Japan in the World Cup tournament! This is the first-ever win for
Australia in the world cup (in fact, it's the first goals they've ever scored). Why should I care about this? Because, a) I live in Japan, and b) for the game, a friend of mine from Down Under invited me to become an honorary

^ Things were looking grim for Australia as Japan scored the first goal 26 minutes into the game. The one-goal deficit hung over the Ozzies and they grew increasingly desperate as the clock ticked on...

^The Australians registered more than three times as many shots on the goal as the Japanese team, but the superb Japanese goalkeeper caught or deflected every shot...for most of the game.

^With only nine minutes remaining,
Tim Cahill scored Australia's
first ever goal for his team in a World Cup tournament. He then scored again, and John Aloisi put the nail in the coffin for Japan with an amazing
third goal. What a comeback for the Ozzies! Let's all sing together now:
"Waltzing Matilda, walllltzing Matilllllda...."

^ The Ozzie supporters in the stadium went a little crazy towards the end, as you might imagine. We Australians like to party hard. Here's a Sentence of the Post for you:
"Subarashi shiai deshta ne!" (What an excellent game!).

^The confidence of the Japanese team seemed to shatter after Australia scored their first goal, tying the game 1-1. Their defense deteriorated and they let two more goals slip through. Having dishonored their country, I imagine that they will soon be committing
seppuku. I doubt that my
sports fanatic student will take this well.
This Sunday (June 18th), Australia faces Brazil, which is the #1 soccer team in the world, having won the World Cup more times than any other nation. But you can bet that I'll be rooting for the Ozzies next week.
G'Day Mate! Congratulations! Now put some of that positive energy in Edmonton for the "Canes"!!! You may have a new career alternative in sports writing.
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